Class 20 CS 372H 05 April 2012 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Scheduling, continued --disciplines, continued --lessons and conclusions 3. I/O 4. Livelock paper --context and problem --solution --reflection --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time --LFS: a bit about crash recovery and segment cleaning --clarify metric of "write cost": --they evaluate their approaches to segment cleaning in terms of a metric that they call "write cost". goal is to choose which segments to clean such that "write cost" remains low. --write cost is cost to write a new byte of data, including the overhead of cleaning. --expressed as a multiple of cost to write if there were no overhead and if data could be written at the disk's transfer bandwidth --write cost of 1.0 would be perfect --write cost of 10.0 means that only 1/10th of the disk's bandwidth goes to writing new data. the rest goes to cleaning, seek latency, or rotational latency. [they then ignore seek latency or rotational latency; presumably it is mentioned b/c they also tell us how _other_ systems perform on this metric] --W.C. = (total # of bytes moved to and from disk) / (# of those bytes that represent new data) --in steady state, if they read in N segments, with average utilization of u, then they read in and write out N + N*u bytes. this frees up space for N*(1-u) bytes of new data so total bytes written: N + N*u + N*(1-u) # bytes that represent new data: N*(1-u) W.C. = (N + N*u + N*(1-u)) / N*(1-u) = 2/(1-u) --this metric ignores cost of normal reads (it counts only reads that happen as part of segment cleaning). --in simulation, the space-time policy [choose segment with min. (1-u')*age/(1+u')] performs the best --so that's what they implement in the real system. they don't implement multiple policies in the real system, so we can't know whether their approach is "best" on their workload. --correct SRTCF, example 2 2. Scheduling disciplines A. [last time] FCFS/FIFO B. [last time] Round robin C. [last time, in part] SJF (shortest job first) --STCF: shortest time to completion first --Schedule the job whose next CPU burst is the shortest --SRTCF: shortest remaining time to completion first --preemptive version of STCF: if job arrives that has a shorter time to completion than the remaining time on the current job, immediately preempt CPU to give to new job --idea: --get short jobs out of the system --big (positive) effect on short jobs, small (negative) effect on large jobs --result: minimize waiting time (can prove this) --seeks to minimize average waiting time for a given set of processes --example 1: [see notes from last time] --example 2: 3 jobs A, B: both CPU bound, run for a week C: I/O bound, loop 1 ms of CPU 10 ms of disk I/O by itself, C uses 90% of disk By itself, A or B uses 100% of CPU what happens if we use FIFO? --if A or B gets in, keeps CPU for 2 weeks what about RR with 100msec time slice? --only get 5% disk utilization what about RR with 1msec time slice? --get nearly 90% disk utilization --but lots of preemptions with SRTCF: --no needless preeemptions --get high disk utilization --SRTCF advantages: --optimal response time (min waiting time) --low overhead --disadvantages: --not hard to get unfairness or starvation (long-running jobs) --does not optimize turnaround time (only waiting time) --** requires predicting the future ** so useful as a yardstick for measuring other policies (good way to do CS design and development: figure out what the absolute best answer is, then figure out how to approximate it) however, can attempt to estimate future based on past (another thing that people do when designing systems): --Exponentially weighted average a good idea --t_n: length of proc's nth CPU burst --\tao_{n+1}: estimate for n+1 burst --choose \alpha, 0 < \alpha <= 1 --set \tao_{n+1} = \alpha * t_n + (1-\alpha)*\tao_n --this is called an exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) --reacts to changes, but smoothly upshot: favor jobs that have been using CPU the least amount of time; that ought to approximate SRTCF D. Priority schemes --priority scheme: give every process a number (set by administrator), and give the CPU to the process with the highest priority (which might be the lowest or highest number, depending on the scheme) --can be done preempively or non-preemptively --generally a bad idea because of starvation of low priority tasks --here's an extreme example: --say H at high priority, L at low priority --H tries to acquire lock, fails, and spins --L never runs --but note: SJF is priority scheduling where priority is the predicted next CPU burst time --solution to this starvation is to increase a process's priority as it waits E. multilevel feedback queues [first used in CTSS; also used in FreeBSD. Linux up until 2.6.23 did something roughly similar.] two ideas: --*multiple queues, each with different priority*. OS does RR at each non-empty priority level before moving onto next priority level. 32 levels, for example. --feedback: process's priority changes, for example based on how little or much it's used the CPU result is to favor interactive jobs that use less CPU but without starving all of the jobs a process's priority might be set like this: --decreases whenever timer interrupt found the process running --increases while the process is runnable but not running advantages: --approximates SRTCF disadvantages: --gameable: user puts in meaningless I/O to keep job's priority high --can't donate priority --not very flexible --not good for real-time and multimedia F. Real time --examples: cars, video playback, robots on assembly lines --Soft real time: miss deadline and CD will sound funny --Hard real time: miss deadline and plane will crash --Many strategies. Long literature here. Basically, as long as \sum (CPU_needed/period) <= 1, then first-deadline-first works. G. [skip in class; it's in the text] What Linux does --before Linux 2.4: --O(n) operations for O(n) processes --no affinity (means: which CPU the process wants to, or usually will, run on) on multicore systems (bad for cache) --global run-queue lock (coarse-grained lock) --Linux 2.4 to 2.6.23 goal: O(1) for all operations [see section 10.3.4 in the text] Approach: --140 priority levels 0-99: for "real-time" tasks --some are FIFO (not preemptible) --some are round-robin (preemptible by clock or higher priority process) [none is real "real time" because there are no guarantees or deadlines] 100-140: for "timesharing" tasks --for user tasks (depends on nice and behavior)A --keeps per-process 4-entry "load estimator" --how much CPU consumed in each of last 4 seconds --adjusts priority by +/- 5 based on behavior --each CPU has a run queue --each run queue is implemented as : active array expired array each array has 140 elements, each entry of which is a task list of processes --avoids global clock and helps with affinity a separate load-balancer can move tasks between CPUs --scheduling algorithm: run highest priority task in active array; after task uses quantum, place it in expired list; swap expired/active pointers when active list empty --bitmap cache for empty/non-empty state of each list --post Linux 2.6.23: rough reinvention of ideas from stride scheduling --motivation: the above approach is just a fancy multilevel feedback queue with an efficient implementation, so it inherits the disadvantages of multilevel feedback queues H. lottery and stride scheduling [citation: C. A. Waldsburger and W. E. Weihl. Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management. Proc. Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, November, 1994.] --lottery scheduling: Issue lottery tickets to processes -- Let p_i have t_i tickets -- Let T be total # of tickets, T = \sum t_i -- Chance of winning next quantum is t_i / T -- Note lottery tickets not used up, more like season tickets controls long-term average proportion of CPU for each process can also group processes hierarchically for control --subdivide lottery tickets --can model as currency, so there can be an exchange rate between real currencies (money) and lottery tickets --lots of nice features --deals with starvation (have one ticket --> will make progress) --don't have to worry that adding one high priority job will starve all others --adding/deleting jobs affects all jobs proportionally (T gets bigger) --can transfer tickets between processes: highly useful if a client is waiting for a server. then client can donate tickets to server so it can run. --note difference between donating tix and donating priority. with donating tix, recipient amasses enough until it runs. with donating priority, no difference between one process donating and 1000 processes donating --many other details --ticket inflation for processes that don't use their whole quantum --use fraction f of quantum; inflate tix by 1/f until it next gets CPU --disadvantages --latency unpredictable --expected error somewhat high --for those comfortable with probability: this winds up being a binomial distribution. variance n*p*(1-p) --> standard deviation \proportional \sqrt(n), --where: p is fraction of tickets owned n is number of quanta --in reaction to these disadvantages, Waldspurger and Weihl proposed *Stride Scheduling* [citations: C. A. Waldsburger and W. E. Weihl. Stride Scheduling: Deterministic Proportional-Share Resource Management. Technical Memorandum MIT/LCS/TM-528, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, June 1995. Carl A. Waldspurger. Lottery and Stride Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1995. Also appears as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-667.] --the current Linux scheduler (post 2.6.23), called CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler), roughly reinvented these ideas --basically, a deterministic version of lottery scheduling. less randomness --> less expected error. 3. Scheduling lessons and conclusions --Scheduling comes up all over the place --m requests share n resources --disk arm: which read/write request to do next? --memory: which process to take physical page from? --This topic was popular in the days of time sharing, when there was a shortage of resources all around, but many scheduling problems become not very interesting when you can just buy a faster CPU or a faster network. --Exception 1: web sites and large-scale networks often cannot be made fast enough to handle peak demand (flash crowds, attacks) so scheduling becomes important again. For example may want to prioritize paying customers, or address denial-of-service attacks. --Exception 2: some scheduling decisions have non-linear effects on overall system behavior, not just different performance for different users. For example, livelock scenario, which we are discussing. --Exception 3: real-time systems: soft real time: miss deadline and CD or MPEG decode will skip hard real time: miss deadline and plane will crash Plus, at some level, every system with a human at the other end is a real-time system. If a Web server delays too long, the user gives up. So the ultimate effect of the system may in fact depend on scheduling! --In principle, scheduling decisions shouldn't affect program's results --This is good because it's rare to be able to calculate the best schedule --So instead, we build the kernel so that it's correct to do a context switch and restore at any time, and then *any* schedule will get the right answer for the program --This is a case of a concept that comes up a fair bit in computer systems: the policy/mechanism split. In this case, the idea is that the *mechanism* allows the OS to switch any time while the *policy* determines when to switch in order to meet whatever goals are desired by the scheduling designer [[--In my view, the notion of "policy/mechanism split" is way overused in computer systems, for two reasons: --when someone says they separated policy from mechanism in some system, usually what's going on is that they separated the hard problem from the easy problem and solved the easy problem; or --it's simply not the case that the two are separate. *every* mechanism encodes a range of possible policies, and by choice of mechanism you are usually constraining what policies are possible. That point is obvious but tends to be overlooked when people advertise that they've "fully separated policy from mechanism"]] --But there are cases when the schedule *can* affect correctness --multimedia: delay too long, and the result looks or sounds wrong --Web server: delay too long, and users give up --Three lessons (besides policy/mechanism split): (i) Know your goals; write them down (ii) Compare against optimal, even if optimal can't be built. --It's a useful benchmark. Don't waste your time improving something if it's already at 99% of optimal. --Provides helpful insight. (For example, we know from the fact that SJF is optimal that it's impossible to be optimal and fair, so don't spend time looking for an optimal algorithm that is also fair.) (iii) There are actually many different schedulers in the system that interact: --mutexes, etc. are implicitly making scheduling decisions --interrupts: likewise (by invoking handlers) --disk: the disk scheduler doesn't know to favor one process's I/O above another --network: same thing: how does the network code know which process's packets to favor? (it doesn't) --example of multiple interacting schedulers: you can optimize the CPU's scheduler and still find it does nothing (e.g., if you're getting interrupted 200,000 times per second, only the interrupt handler is going to get the CPU, so you need to solve that problem before you worry about how the main CPU scheduler allocates the CPU to jobs) --Basically, the _existence_ of interrupts is bad for scheduling. 4. I/O * architecture * communicating with devices * device drivers A. architecture [draw logical picture of CPU/Memory/crossbar] --CPU accesses physical memory over a bus --devices access memory over I/O bus --devices can appear to be a region of memory --recall 640K-1MB region, from early classes --and hole in memory for PCI [draw PC architecture picture] [draw picture of the I/O bus] B. communicating with a device how do host and device communicate? answer: --memory-mapped device registers --device memory --special I/O instructions --DMA # --skip in class-- (have covered before) # # (a) Memory-mapped device registers # # --Certain _physical_ addresses correspond to device registers # # --Load/store gets status/sends instructions -- not real memory # # (b) Device memory -- device may have memory that OS can write to # directly on the other side of I/O bus # # (c) Special I/O instructions # # --Some CPUs (e.g., x86) have special I/O instructions # # --Like load & store, but asserts special I/O pin on CPU # # --OS can allow user-mode access to I/O ports with finer # granularity than page (d) DMA -- place instructions to card in main memory --Typically then need to "poke" card by writing to register --Overlaps unrelated computation with moving data over (typically slower than memory) I/O bus how it works (roughly) [buffer descriptor list] --> [ buf ] --> [ buf ] .... card knows where to find the descriptor list. then it can access the buffers with DMA (i) example: network interface card | I/O bus ------- [ bus interface link interface] --> network link | | --Link interface talks to wire/fiber/antenna --Typically does framing, link-layer CRC --FIFO queues on card provide small amount of buffering --bus interface logic uses DMA to move packets to and from buffers in main memory (ii) example: IDE disk read with DMA [draw picture] C. Device drivers * entry points * synchronization --polling --interrupts --Device driver provides several entry points to kernel --example: Reset, ioctl, output, read, write, **interrupt --when you write a driver, you are implementing this interface, and also calling functions that the kernel itself exposes --purpose of driver: abstract nasty hardware so that kernel doesn't have to understand all of the details. kernel just knows that it has a device that exposes a call like "read", "write", and that the device can interrupt the kernel --How should driver synchronize with device? examples: --need to know when transmit buffers free or packets arrive --need to know when disk request is complete --[note: the device doesn't care a huge amount about which of the following two options is in effect: interrupts are an abstraction that happens between the device and the CPU. the question here is about the logic in the driver and the interrupt controller.] --Approach 1: **Polling** --Sent a packet? Loop asking card when buffer is free --Waiting to receive? Keep asking card if it has packet --Disk I/O? Keep looping until disk ready bit set --What are the disadvantages of polling? (Trade-off between wasting CPU cycles [can't do anything else while polling] and high latency [if poll scheduled for the future but, say, packet is ready or disk block has arrived]) --Approach 2: **Interrupt-driven ** --ask card to interrupt CPU on events --Interrupt handler runs at high priority --Asks card what happened (xmit buffer free, new packet) --This is what most general-purpose OSes do. Nevertheless.....'s important to understand the following; you'll probably run into this issue if you build systems that need to run at high speed --interrupts are actually bad at high data arrival rate. classically this issue comes up with network cards --Packets can arrive faster than OS can process them --Interrupts are very expensive (context switch) --Interrupt handlers have high priority --In worst case, can spend 100% of time in interrupt handler and never make any progress. this is a phenonmenon known as *receive livelock*. --best thing to do is: start with interrupts. if you need high performance and interrupts are slowing you, then use polling. if you then notice that polling is chewing too many CPU cycles, then move to adaptive switching between interrupts and polling. --interrupts are great for disk requests. 5. Livelock paper ASK: what's the authors' thesis? [draw analogy to real world: coffee counter or email, etc.] ASK: what can go wrong? [draw picture of throughput collapse. draw picture of what we want to happen.] ASK: what is the relation to OS scheduling? (answer: none; that's the problem.) A. Context and problem The problem --devices generate interrupts, which cause work for the processor --that work is high priority --later work associated with the packet reception event is lower priority (further into the system the packet gets, the lower the priority associated with processing it; this is backwards). --example: see figure 6-2 - Receive processing, appends packets to ipintrq, IP input queue - IP forwarding layer (IPL softnet (i.e., soft interrupt) or just kernel thread, depends on OS) - Device output queue - Transmit processing, takes packets from output queue --result: if there are too many packets arriving, later work never gets done --What does kernel do on input overload? Queues fill up, packets dropped When are packets dropped? When should they be dropped? Usually dropped at ipintrq. Should be dropped earlier. Causes throughput to go down as offered load goes up! --Who cares? If system is overloaded, aren't we in trouble anyway? who cares how the system does if there's too much load? (--answer: system should continue to give good service to the requests that it can.) Why was this paper written when it was? (--answer: I/O interrupt rates got ahead of their engineered zone. it was now possible to interrupt the CPU more times per second with events that cost more than the time between interrupts.) ASK: is the work still relevant? Yes: Network speeds growing as fast or faster than CPU speeds Interrupts and device access getting comparatively more expensive More details on the problem Look at figure 6.1: --Why do black dots (no screend) go up? (more packets to forward) --What determines how high the peak is? (when CPU saturates) --Why do they go down? (wasting CPU time on discarded packets) --What happens when we add screend? (need more CPU time per packet) Do dedicated routers suffer the same problem? Usually not, because routing usually on fast path entirely in line-cards But Slammer worm sometimes caused problems: "because one of the routers in this network was starved for memory, it didn't run the Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) algorithm... this made the problem worse because without CEF, the router must take time to create a "route cache" for each destination in order to forward packets at high speed. Since the worm generates random destination addresses, the router ended up spending most of its time creating these route cache entries, and it ran out of memory to boot." - Is it possible to generate livelock just from disk interrupts? (Answer: No--because if system is starved for CPU, won't issue more disk requests) Key point: flow control/back pressure avoids livelock-inducing overload Why do receive interrupts have high priority? Is this good? Old network cards could not buffer many packets, don't want to lose burst Today's cards can, so not really needed any more Why not just tell scheduler to give interrupts lower priority? non-preemptible Why not completely process (i.e., forward) each packet in interrupt handler? Other parts of kernel don't expect to run at high interrupt-level E.g., some packet processing code might call sleep (e.g., in mem allocator) Still might want an output queue [to handle packet processing in batches.] BIG PICTURE We've surrendered all control over scheduling various actions to the CPU's interrupt mechanism. And it doesn't give us the control we need to enforce our desired policy: output has precedence over input. B. Solution What about using polling exclusively instead of interrupts? +: Solves overload problem / gets scheduling under control -: Killer latency or wasted CPU (note that a strict real-time OS might use only polling, if device interrupts are not as important as some other task) What's the paper's solution? Do most packet processing in "top half" kernel thread Receive interrupt arrives, poke thread, disable interrupt Thread processes packets fully, put on output queue Thread checks for more work, reenables interrupts otherwise Eliminates IP input queue (packets dropped before work invested) [alternate way to say it to avoid livelock, they: --they turn off interrupts at the right time --they ensure that they're doing the "right" work (poll across queues in the proper priority) --they make the higher-level processing not preemptible but now they want good throughput and latency. for that they: --reenable interrupts --take advantage of buffering --eliminate pointless queues ] Why does this work? What happens when packets arrive slowly? What happens when packets arrive too fast? Figure 6-3: why does "Polling (no quota)" work badly? (Answer: still doing too much receive work; starving other work.) Figure 6-3: Why does it do even worse than unmodified kernel? (Answer: Because now packets are dropped at the device output queue Actually investing more work in each dropped packet!) Figure 6-4: Why does "Polling, no feedback" behave badly? (Answer: There's a queue in front of screend. We can still give 100% to input thread, 0% to screend.) Why does "Polling w/ feedback" behave well? Input thread yields when queue to screend fills. [can skip] What if screend hangs, what about other consumers of packets? E.g., can you ssh to machine to fix screend? Fortunately screend typically only application Also, re-enable input after timeout BIG PICTURE polling loop gives us more control -- but only knows about device and IP packet processing, not about other activities on host. Why won't this work for CPU-bound processes? (answer: there's no queue to give feedback. process is CPU bound.) What is solution? Every 10 msec clear counter Track CPU usage in receive thread, after a fraction disable BIG PICTURE This thing is a hack. We don't really want the network interface scheduling the CPU. That is backwards. Wait, do we really need quotas if we have queue feedback? (answer: no.) What if there is no CPU-bound process? Waste of resources? No, re-enable receive interrupts in idle thread # [skip] Why aren't the numbers exactly what you would expect? (25%,50%,75%,...) # Other background processes may use CPU # Time to process interrupts not charged against quotas # [skip] Why is there a small dip in most of the curves? # More interrupts happen at lower pkt rate, and not charged against quota C. Reflection --High-level points of this paper don't do scheduling reactively and in ad-hoc fashion (which is the default). Be smart about when interrupts are taken and devices scheduled. Don't spend time on new work before completing existing work. Or give new work lower priority than partially-completed work. Corollary: If you might discard, do it as early as possible. --Ironically, their work has a number of hacks. do we really need explicit scheduling of CPU from network interface? seems backwards. (answer: their solution is perhaps not elegant but works for their experiments. ideally, there would be a coherent scheduling policy that takes account of everything together. not their fault, though; they are constrained by the system.) --If we apply their fixes, does the phenomemon totally go away? E.g. for web server, NFS server threads that wait for disk, etc. Can the net device throw away packets without slowing down host? Problem: We want to drop packets for applications with big queues But requires work to determine which application a packet belongs to Possible solution: have network interface hardware sort packets --Livelock can happen in context of distributed systems as well. [Summarize list of changes they made: --interrupts only to initiate polling --fair polling among event sources using quotas --allow other important tasks to run using feedback from full queue CPU quotas --drop packets early]