Homework #03: The K-means algorithm and Mixture of Gaussian estimation with Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The purpose of this assignment is to implement the K-means algorithm and the Mixture of Gaussians estimation using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Your assignment should be sent by email to the TA - include "homework 03" in the subject line - Send your email in plain text (no msword, no html, no postscript, no pdf). - late submissions will be penalized with the following formula: corrected_grade = actual_grade / (1 + days_late/15). - you must implement the code by yourself, but you are encouraged to discuss your results with other students. - Include your source code as attachment(s). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PART 1: Implement K-means The K-means algorithm is as follows. Given a set of P training vectors X1...Xp - initialize K prototype vectors P1...Pk by setting each of them to a different randomly chosen training sample - repeat until convergence: - for all i in [1..p], for all j in [1..k], compute the responsabilities Rij = 1 if Xi is closest to Pj than to any other prototype Rij = 0 otherwise. - recompute the prototypes so that each prototype is equal to the mean of all the samples assigned to it Pj = 1/[sum_i Rij] sum_i Rij.Xi PART 2: Implement EM to estimate the parameters of a Mixture of Gaussians Given a set of P training vectors X1...Xp the likelihood of the data modeled by a MoG with k component gaussians is equal to: P(X1...Xp | W1...Wk,M1...Mk,A1...Ak) = product_i sum_j Wj.gaussian(Xi,Mj,Aj) where i ranges over [1,p], and j over [1,k] (k is the number of components in the mixture). gaussian(Xi,Mj,Aj) is a multivariate Gaussian density with mean Mj and covariance matrix Aj evaluated at point Xi. To ensure normalization, the Wj must be between 0 and 1, and must verify: sum_j Wj = 1 The negative log-likelihood (energy) is: L(W1...Wk,M1...Mk,A1...Ak) = - sum_i log[ sum_j Wj gaussian(Xi,Mj,Aj) ] The EM algorithm for a MoG is as follows: - initialize K prototype vectors P1...Pk by running the K-means algorithm. - repeat until convergence: - for all i in [1..p], for all j in [1..k], compute the responsabilities Rij = Wj*gaussian(Xi,Mj,Aj) / sum_h Wh*gaussian(Xi,Mh,Ah) - recompute the parameters of the gaussians: - set Mj to the mean of all the samples *weighted* by their responsabilities Rij - set Aj to the covariance of all the samples *weighted* by their responsabilities Rij. - set Wj to [sum_i Rij]/[sum_j sum_i Rij] MoG trained with EM can be seen as a "soft" version of K-means where the responsabilities are continuous numbers between 0 and 1 (that sum to one over j) instead of being binary. PART 3: Image compression using vector quantization A simple technique for image compression consists in (1) cutting up an image into small non-overlapping tiles (e.g. 8 by 8 pixels), (2) viewing this set of tiles as a dataset of 64-dimensional vectors (each vector component being a pixel) (3) running the K-means algorithm on this dataset (4) coding each tile by a code that represents the index of the nearest prototype to the tile. 3.1: the image testimage.pgm or testimage.bmp (800x600 pixels, grayscale) was cut up into 7500 non-overlapping, 8x8-pixel tiles. Those tiles were turned into 64-dimensional vectors (by lining up the pixels in raster order: left to right and top to bottom), and put together into the Lush .mat file tiles.mat. The tiles are in raster order (left to right, top to bottom), so reconstructing the image consists in painting those tiles next to each other on a 100 columns by 75 line grid. Run the K-means algorithm with K=2, 4 and 8 on that set (be careful how you initialize the prototypes). For each size, report the mean-squared error incurred by replacing each tile by its closest prototype, i.e. the average of ||Xi - Tk(i)||^2 over i, where Xi is the i-th tile, and Tk(i) is the prototype (among the K prototypes) that is closest to Xi. 3.2: for K-8, compute the binary entropy of the resulting sequence of code for the whole image: make a integer vector Zi with as many elements as samples in the dataset, where each component contains the index of the prototype closest to the corresponding tile [ k(i) ]. Then compute the normalized histogram of the values in that vector (i.e. a vector Hk where element k is the proportion of elements in Zi that are equal to k (k in [0,7]). Compute the binary entropy of the histogram: Entropy = -sum_k Hk*log2[Hk] where log2[x] is the base 2 logarithm of x. report this value. This is the number of bits we would need to compress the image if we had a perfect entropy coder to turn those integers into short bit strings (a perfect huffman coder or arithmetic coder). PART 4: Testing EM for a Mixture of Gaussians. Starting from the result obtained for question 3.2 (result of K-means with K=8 on the tile dataset) train a mixture of Gaussians with 8 components using EM on the tile dataset. EM finds the parameters that minimize the negative log-likelihood of the dataset given the model: L = - sum_i log( ModelProb(Xi) ) Report the initial value of the negative log-likelihood (after running K-means and one M step to compute the covariance matrices, using the binary responsabilities produced by K-means). and the value at the end of the convergence of EM. NOTE 1: computing a multivariate Gaussian involves computing the inverse and the determinant of the covariance matrix. This can be done in Lush with: (libload "libnum/linalgebra") (inverse-lu (idx-copy a) a-inverse) (determinant (idx-copy a)) The copy is necessary because inverse-lu and determiant destroy the input matrix. NOTE 2: In some cases, the covariance matrix can be singular (e.g. if the number of samples attached to a prototype is too small). In that case, the covariance matrix can be "regularized" by adding a small positive constant to the diagonal: regularized_covar = origianl_covar + epsilon*identity_matrix NOTE 3: in 64 dimension, the Gaussian likelihood of a vector drops very, very fast with the distance. Numerical problems may ensue. It might be advisable to do most computations in log space (hint: Lush function determinant-log computes the log determinant of a matrix directly). PART 5: (extra credit): reconstruct the "compressed" test image obtained by replacing each tile by its closest prototype. Save the image in a pgm file. Saving a PGM image file can be done in Lush with (pgm-write-ubim "image.pgm" image) where image is a 600x800 ubyte-matrix. Attach the reconstructed image to your homework email. NOTE: grayscale and RGB images can be displayed in a Lush graphic window with (new-window 0 0 800 600 "stuff") (rgb-draw-matrix 0 0 image)