Class 1 CS 372H 18 January 2011 On the board ------------ CS372H: Introduction to Operating Systems: Honors Instructor: Michael Walfish TA: Victor Vu 1. Introduction and goals 2. What is an operating system? Why study them? How will we study them? 3. Course mechanics and admin 4. Examples and history --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction and goals --Hello --Introduce Victor --Class goals a. learn how operating systems work --in part by building one b. learn abstractions and concepts in operating systems... c. ... which will be useful beyond the kernel 2. What is an operating system? Why study them? How will we study them? --What is an OS? --Why study them? --How will we study them? A. What is an OS? [draw picture of hardware (memory, CPU, disk, I/O), OS, user-level programs] [OS includes OS services: processes, virtual memory, file system (file contents, directories and file names), security, networking, inter-process communication, time, terminals, etc.] --definition: An operating system implements a virtual machine that is (ideally) easier to program than the raw hardware --layer of software; usually has to deal with the messy details of the hardware --In some sense: OS is just a software engineering problem: how do you convert what the hardware gives you into something application programmers want? --Job of OS: provide services to user-level programs --hardware consists of resources: CPU, memory, disk, I/O devices did I leave anything out? hardware is nasty! --consider what is involved in getting things to the disk..... --this software is classically described as doing two things: * managing the resources of the machine --example: scheduling -- give every process some of the CPU * abstracting the hardware --hide details of hardware (OS gets dirty; programmers don't) --so who cares about these things? --well, resource management means that one bad program doesn't screw up another. OS does: --multiplexing --isolation and protection --sharing --and abstracting the hardware is about convenience and portability --you really don't want applications to have to program the bare hardware --would lead to lots of repeated code --and unclear how to run more than one application at once, particularly more than one that are mutually distrustful. --what are examples of managing resources and providing abstractions? memory, scheduling, file systems, I/O * memory: movl 0x1247, %edx [means "get contents of 0x1247 and put in %edx"] --abstraction: user program thinks it is reading from 0x1247; it is not --more generally, user program thinks it has a linear, contiguous address space; it does not --isolation: user program can't write to another user's memory ***these are different points*** * scheduling: --abstraction: process has the illusion that it is running continuously; it is not --isolation: user program that is hogging CPU gets switched out in favor of another user's program ***these are different points*** --you could imagine telling the user program that it was getting switched out * file systems: --abstraction: illusion file is continuous array of bytes; it's not fd = open("/tmp/foo", WR_ONLY) rc = write(fd, "abc...z", 26) abstractions here: --files --file descriptors applications see these abstractions through system calls --isolation: user program can't write to a file unless it has permission * I/O: --abstracting the hardware: example: # fd = open("/dev/audio", WR_ONLY); # write(fd, , ....); versus outb(0x74, 123) outb(0x83, ....) ..... --note: --operating system makes the device look like a file! (obvious in hindsight. not at the time this design idea entered). advantages: --files and device I/O use same programming --names have same syntax and meaning, so programs can take either as a parameter. that is, the **same** program works, whether it's being asked to read or write a file or I/O. --above, we could have had open("/dev/tty", WR_ONLY) or open("/tmp/foo", WR_ONLY) and the rest of the code would have been unaffected --managing resources: what happens if every process tries to write to the screen at once? result of abstraction and resource management: --applications are easier to write --impact of bugs reduced --machine's resources shared, which is an efficiency gain B. Why study them? (Why is OS design+implementation hard or interesting?) a. ideas are everywhere: resource management and abstraction, for example. b. understand fundamental design trade-offs --between performance and simplicity --between putting functions in hardware or software --code must be efficient (so low-level?) ... --...but abstract/portable (so high-level?) --code must be powerful (so many features?) --...but simple (thus a few composable building blocks?) --another trade-off: between security and convenience --and there are difficult interactions: --among features --among behaviors: scheduler and memory allocator --etc. c. useful to know "how things work". peek under the hood. d. at the same time, there are still unsolved problems! --OS security is sort of a joke. people defend their operating systems by deploying firewalls. --multicore: yeah, the operating systems run, but there's an argument that perhaps the abstractions should be different (interaction between caches and address space abstractions) e. implementation-wise: --the environment is unforgiving: weird h/w, no debugger C. What level will we study at? a. learn how to approach problems --fundamental issues --concept of a design space --case studies: sometimes looks at state-of-the-art techniques goal: when you're faced with a similar problem, you will be able to devise a good solution timescale: big long-term payoff b. specific techniques you should be able to apply --time-tested solutions to hard problems --avoid "hacks" --examples: concurrent programming, transactions, etc. c. details of modern OSes --file systems, network stacks, ... --lots of material, changes relatively quickly --not a priority of this class --but we will sometimes use "real" examples to motivate the fundamental ideas 3. Course mechanics and admin --write on the board: course Web page: please check it every day. primary way that we will communicate components of the course: --reading --labs --homeworks --exams --lectures grading policies --reading: see Web page. will try not to make this too much of a burden. --labs: --centerpiece of the course. very awesome set of labs: JOS!! --exposes hardware to user-level programs (few abstractions provided by the kernel, but you will build them in user space.) --but does implement protection and resource management --unlike much OS courseware, this one will boot on an x86!!! --may use pair programming --ADVICE and NOTES --lab 1: lots to learn; not much code to write. --lab 1 is easier than the others. --people in the past thrown by the difference between lab 1 and lab 2, so we have made a small piece of lab 2 due earlier to allow you to get calibrated --I used to tell people, "Start early". Now I say, "Start on time". --Regardless, you need to allocate time. The people last year who tried to squeeze in the assignments often ran into trouble. --Last, I'm expecting you to feel challenged by the labs. This work pushes students. For better or worse, getting pushed can be painful. So if you find that the labs are causing pain, that probably means you're learning.... --homework: --mainly self assessments. you should do them, but we don't collect them --exams: --ad-hoc quizzes --in-class midterm --final during finals week --lectures: will try to encourage discussion --please ask questions!! --will tend to write on board; paces lecture --will put lecture notes online but they will be unpolished --no laptops --grading: --40%: labs --40%: final exam --15-20%: midterm --policies: please see the Web page 4. Examples and history --1960s: batch systems --IBM 7094, from early 1960s --Fortran Monitor System --jobs + libraries + monitor routine that killed jobs taking more than their time estimate --you've all heard of punchcards --kind of a long edit/run/debug cycle --1960s: CTSS: first time-sharing system --now multiple programs could run at once! --opens the door to interactivity --everyone gets a terminal!! --mid 1960s: project MAC at MIT builds Multics --time-sharing but expensive --the model was like an electric power plant: all of Massachusetts gets a Multics machine, etc. --Multics a collaboration between MIT and Bell Labs --Issues: complex, expensive, slow. --announced in 1963; ran in 1969 --1969 to early 1970s: Unix (from Thompson and Ritchie at Bell Labs) --goal was to run on cheap hardware. PDP-7 --eventually got a PDP-11: only $40k! (which was $173k in 2008 dollars) --small system: 9000 LOC --Eventually, Thompson and Ritchie decide they need a new programming language to write Unix in --So C gets born --Unix took over the world. --Its abstractions are still in use everywhere --(Which is arguably depressing) --great example of a small number of mechanisms going very far (high ratio of capabilities to mechanism) a. stuff was added to Unix in the 1980s, at Berkeley b. Andy Tanenbaum: "System 7 was a dramatic improvement over its predecessors, and over its successors as well". --meanwhile, in the 1970s, at Xerox PARC, people are trying to build the personal computer.... --keep in mind that at the beginning of this era, telling someone that you were going to build a personal computer was like telling them that you would have a personal nuclear reactor --computers were totally slow when they started, but those designers knew that computers would be fast, so they started building the thing people want and worried later about performance --eventually led to the graphical interfaces we have today as well as modern technology --JOS! --Notes about the history of OSes --in the early days of PCs, they didn't do a bunch of things that JOS will do! --when computers stopped having tons of users, there was less need for protection and isolation. --now of course, we need those features, and modern OSes have them. --seems to be true that as a new device gets an OS, it gradually recapitulates the history of the others: starts with no OS, then a primitive one, etc., etc. --this is reason why studying "obsolete" concepts could be useful: because they won't be obsolete on some new platform, e.g., phones, sensors, smart cards