Michael Walfish is a professor in the Computer Science department in the Courant Institute at New York University (NYU), which he joined in 2014. Prior to that, he was an assistant professor in the Computer Science department at The University of Texas at Austin, which he joined in 2009. His research interests are in systems, security, and networking. He has worked on untrusted peripherals, untrusted computation, untrusted storage, failure detection in distributed systems, naming, network architecture, verifiable auctions, and denial-of-service defense. His honors include paper awards at SOSP (2017) and IEEE S&P (2016), Sloan Research Fellow (2012), NSF CAREER (2011), Air Force Young Investigator (2010), the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program, and a Teaching Excellence Award from the UT College of Natural Sciences. He received his B.A. from Harvard and his Ph.D. from MIT, both in Computer Science.