CSCI-UA.0436 Computer Architecture
2016-17 Fall—Allan Gottlieb
Tues/Thur 2-3:15, Room 101 CIWW



Unlike homeworks, labs are required. The labs themselves can be found on NYU Classes Some additional material, may be on the web.

Upload your source (e.g., the logisim files) and documentation (e.g., the README file) to NYU Classes.

Lecture Notes

I continually update these notes as the semester progresses so I advise against printing it now, if at all.


There will be an in class midterm and a final exam during exam week. The final exam will not in our classroom. Instead it will be in 25 West 4th street, room C-4. Practice exams will be available. Please do not plan any trips until the exact dates are settled.

A practice midterm is here.

Answers to the practice midterm are here.

A practice final is here. It is too long; the real final will be shorter. The last question is on material not covered this year; ignore it.

10-20% of the final exam will be fill-in-the-blank. Some typical questions are here.

Answers to the practice final (including the fill-ins) are here.

Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 1-1:45, and by email appointment

Teaching Assistant / Grader

Academic Integrity

Allan Gottlieb