[FOM] fuzzy possibility / Zadeh

Joao Marcos botocudo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 18:07:41 EDT 2013

Zadeh has recently upgraded to *fuzzy possibility X probability* a
question which he asked at the end of last year concerning *fuzzy
modal logic*:


Now, he might be interested to notice that "the basics of fuzzy Kripke
semantics" which he sketched then (namely, a Kripke semantics with
fuzzy propositions and a graded accessibility relation) coincide with
the interpretation we used in our paper "On classic-like fuzzy modal
logics", whose early version "Fuzzy modal logics of confluence"
appeared at the proceedings of CBSF 2012
(http://www.lbd.dcc.ufmg.br/bdbcomp/servlet/Trabalho?id=13891) and was
later generalized for NAFIPS 2013 (http://goo.gl/fuXI6l contains a
preprint of what appears at pp.1256-1261 of the proceedings).

Joao Marcos

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