[FOM] CFP: From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics (Nancy, France, 21-23 June 2010)

Moktefi amirouche.moktefi at gersulp.u-strasbg.fr
Mon Nov 23 08:31:54 EST 2009

Apologies for crossposting
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The PratiScienS group invites the submission of research papers for a 
conference on the role of practices in the establishment of  results in 
logic and mathematics.

This conference is aimed at discussing and exploring the practice of 
mathematics and logic from an epistemological standpoint. That is, we 
look for papers on how the concrete practices of mathematicians and 
logicians may influence the results of their enquiries and, more 
broadly, the notion of what counts as proof. Through this conference, 
the PratiScienS group also aims at promoting a methodological reflection 
on the difficulties that a critical analysis of such practices in logic 
and mathematics implies and on issues related to the development of the 
appropriate exploratory conceptual tools.

Invited Speakers include Jean-Paul Van Bendegem, Jessica Carter, Karine 
Chemla, Jeremy Gray, Brendan Larvor, Danielle Macbeth, Catarina Dutilh 
Novaes and Dirk Schlimm.
The Scientific Committee includes Gerhard Heinzmann, Paolo Mancosu, 
Philippe Nabonnand, Andrew Warwick and the PratiSciens group.

This conference is part of a series of conferences organised by the 
PratiScienS research group at the Archives Henri Poincaré, Nancy 
University, France 
The group explores the issue of practices in their relations with the 
construction and validation of scientific knowledge. Consequently, this 
conference is also aimed at generating discussions tackling with the 
issue of practices in logic and mathematics, in the ways suggested and 
framed by the project. Thus, the Scientific Committee will particularly 
appreciate proposals that explore the epistemological impact of 
practices upon mathematics and logic research in relation to 
PratiScienS' main research topics, which include the possibility of a 
"Wimsatt-like" concept of robustness for mathematics and logic 
the role of tacit aspects in practices in logic and mathematics and, 
lastly, the contingency vs. inevitability issue with scientific results 
in the case of mathematics and logic 

Details on the conference theme can be found at 
Submissions of proposals should include a long abstract (approximately 
1000 words-long) of the paper. Deadline for submission by e-mail is 
January 15th, 2010, with acceptance notified by March 15th, 2010. 
Abstracts should be sent to: sandra.mols @ univ-nancy2.fr (remove spaces)

Some financial support is available, and it may be possible to apply for 
a travel grant.

The PratiScienS group is supported by: The Archives Henri Poincaré 
(Université de Nancy 2, CNRS UMR 7117), the Agence Nationale de la 
Recherche (ANR), the Région Lorraine, the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme 
Lorraine (USR CNRS 3261), and Nancy-Université.

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