[FOM] Atlanta Meeting

Stephen Cook sacook at cs.toronto.edu
Wed Jan 19 10:18:17 EST 2005

Harvey,  thank you for a very interesting and thorough summary
of what appears to be an exceptionally interesting meeting.

Steve Cook

	 I was at the Atlanta AMS Meeting for 3 days during January 4-6, 2005, 
	 gave a talk at the Special Session on Reverse Mathematics on January 6
	 2005, 1:00PM - 1:45PM.
	 I enjoyed this meeting very much. I attended the following:
	 1. The RM sessions. Jeff HIrst and Reed Solomon were organizers and di
	d a
	 splendid job.
	 2. Panel on the Continuum Hypothesis, Keith Devlin moderator. Panelist
	 Paul J. Cohen, Tony Martin, and Hugh Woodin.
	 3. Panel on "is it a proof yet?", Keith Devlin moderator. Panelists:
	 Richard DeMillo,  Georgia Institute of Technology
	 Robin Wilson,  The Open University
	 Avi Wigderson,  Institute for Advanced Study
	 Bruce A. Kleiner,  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
	 Thomas C. Hales,  University of Pittsburgh

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