FOM: introduction

Martin Davis martind at
Sat Jan 3 14:40:30 EST 1998

Following the new announced policy I am providing a brief paragraph about me:

I was born in New York City in 1928, was a student of
Emil L. Post at City College and received my doctorate at Princeton in 1950
under the supervision of Alonzo Church. My book
"Computability and Unsolvability" (1958) has been called "one of the
few real classics in computer science."  I'm best known for my early
work in automated deduction and for my contributions to
the solution of Hilbert's tenth problem for which latter I was
awarded the Chauvenet and Lester R. Ford Prizes by the Mathematical
Association of America and the Leroy P. Steele Prize by the American
Mathematical Society. In 1983 I was a Guggenheim Foundation Fellow.
My books have been translated into a number of languages including
Russian and Japanese.  I've been on the faculty of the Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University since 1965,
was one of the charter members of the Computer Science
Department founded in 1969, and I am now Professor Emeritus. I have moved to
Berkeley where I'm a Visiting Scholar in the Math Department. My most recent
research has been in historical and philosophical areas. I enjoy fom very much.

Martin Davis

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