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Setting the parameters

  It is important to set the parameters correctly in order to take full advantage of the codes. Particular attention should be paid to the termination parameters , and , for which appropriate values are quite problem dependent. All the parameters are set to their default values by calling the routine setpars.m. The default values demand high accuracy; the number of iterations required to meet the termination criteria is reduced by requesting less accurate solutions.

(Default value = 100)
The maximum number of iterations which may be taken by the algorithm. If (see below), then explicitly setting before calling the solver results in just data validation alone.

(Default value = 0.999)
The fraction of the step to the boundary (of the positive semidefinite cone) taken by the algorithm. This choice leads to fast convergence and is generally reliable, but may occasionally lead to failures due to short steps (see below). In many cases, the quantity is reduced by approximately a factor of per iteration in the last few iterations.

(Default value = )
Tolerance on the primal and the dual steplengths. If either one of these drops below , the algorithm terminates. If the infeasibility or dgap is large, it is recommended to try restarting with either a reduced value of or with and set to larger multiples of the identity. This is done automatically when the driver script sdp.m is used, but is not done if the the driver script is bypassed with a direct call to the function fsdp.m.

(Default value = )
Absolute tolerance on the total error, imposing the condition

(Default value = )
Relative tolerance on the total error, imposing the condition

reltol is usually set to a value smaller than that of abstol. Successful termination takes place when both the absolute and relative conditions are satisfied. Either one can be relaxed by making the corresponding tolerance large.

(Default value = 100)
Tolerance on progress; this parameter, in conjunction with (see below), determines when the algorithm should terminate if significant progress is not taking place. If is less than the previous value of divided by , then the progress is considered ``sufficient''. This check is performed only when has been reduced below .

(Default value = 5)
Tolerance on progress; this parameter, in conjunction with (see above), determines when the algorithm should terminate if significant progress is not taking place. If the new is less than times the previous , or the new is less than times the previous , then the loss of feasibility, if any, is considered ``tolerable''.

Termination occurs if the loss of feasibility was not ``tolerable'' and the reduction in was not ``sufficient'' to justify this loss of feasibility. In short, for the default values, these conditions mean that we are not willing to let the algorithm continue if the primal or dual infeasibility worsened by a factor of 5 or more, unless the gap improved by a factor of at least 100. These parameters attempt to achieve a judicious balance between feasibility and complementarity by trading the former in return for the latter.

(Default value = )
Tolerance on the norm of the solution; if or becomes greater than , the algorithm terminates. Unbounded primal (dual) feasible iterates suggest that the dual (primal) program may be infeasible.

(Default value = 1)
Determines print level; setting this to 0 produces no output from fsdp.m, except warnings that Matlab 4 insists on displaying that ill--conditioned systems are being solved.gif This is normal near the solution. Setting to 1 produces one line of output per iteration (iteration number, primal and dual step lengths, primal and dual infeasibilities, , primal and dual objective values). Upon termination, summary information is provided by the script sdp.m regardless of the value of .

(Default value = 0) By default, several minor consistency checks on the dimension of the data are performed. Additionally, if , fsdp.m makes a check to ensure the initial and conform to the block diagonal structure specified.

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Madhu Nayakkankuppam
Fri Mar 28 00:48:56 EST 1997