Samuel L. Marateck Prize for Outstanding Teaching in Computer Science

Professor Samuel L. Marateck taught in NYU's Computer Science department from 1973 to 2013. Sadly, he passed away in January 2014. In recognition of his outstanding teaching contributions here, the Courant Institute has established the Samuel L. Marateck Prize for Outstanding Teaching in Computer Science.

All full time faculty in the computer science department are eligible for the Marateck prize. The award is for excellence in teaching undergraduate or graduate courses. The prize will be given biennially, in the spring of even-numbered years. A call for nominations will be announced in Feburary or March and a committee will make the selection in April, to be announced before the end of the semester. The committee consists of the Director of Undergraduate Studies (chair) and two other faculty members appointed by the Chair for two to four year terms, serving for one or two prize selections.