@inproceedings{yap:acm-white-paper , title="White paper on Exact Computation and Reliable Geometric Software" , author="Chee K. Yap" , booktitle="ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research" , editor="Roberto Tamassia" , note="Incorporated into the final report of the Working Group in Computational Geometry. See URL {\tt http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/rt/sdcr/report.html}" , year="July 1996" } Add Papers: (1) Towards Exact Geometric Computation (2) Exact Computation Paradigm (with Dube) (3) Pseudo-Approximation Algorithm (with Asano, Kirkpatrick) (4) Theory (with Colm) (5) Expression Evaluation Complexity (with Kurt, Schmitt)