Short Bio

Chee Keng Yap is Professor of Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. His research interests include computational geometry, algebraic and topological computation, algorithmic robotics, algorithms and complexity, and visualization. He has published over 180 papers in major conferences and journals. Since 1990s, he has worked on numerical non-robustness, especially issues at the interface between numerical, algebraic and topological computation. Since 2010s, he extended the exact computational paradigm to embrace soft methods that avoid the Zero problem of exact computation. With his students and collaborators, he developed the open-source Core Library to bring robust computation out of the research realm to make it widely accessible to all programmers. Yap was born in Singapore and educated in the Boys' Wing, Royal Military College in Malaysia. He received a double S.B. degree (Math and Comp.Sci.) from MIT in 1975 and a Ph.D. (Comp.Sci.) from Yale in 1980 under Richard Lipton. He served on the editorial boards of SIAM J. of Computing (1985-2002), J. of Symbolic Computation (1988-2003), J. of Computer and System Sciences (1986--2010), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (1990-2006), Int'l J. of Comp. Geometry and Applications (1990--2008), Algorithmica (1992--2007), and Mathematics in Computer Science (2006--). His two books are the edited volume Advances in Robotics: Algorithmic and Geometric Issues (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1987) (co-edited with Jack Schwartz) and Fundamental Problems in Algorithmic Algebra (Oxford University Press, 2000). He was a KIAS Scholar at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (2006-2009).

Last Updated: July 2015