StatStream: Distribution


StatStream works with Windows/Unix/Linux.

In order to compile and run StatStream:


StatStream is a free software. You may use it "as is" for educational or commercial purposes. You must understand however that it is experimental software so may have bugs (though we think the software is quite robust by now).

Download StatStream

  1. Windows User

    If you are a windows user, you need to install K and KDB first by double clicking ksetup-prod.exe and kdbsetup-prod.exe. Then check the path to make sure both k and kdb are searchable by the system.

    Download StatStream and the necessary K files from here

  2. Unix User

    If you are a Unix user, copy all the files in software folder to a directory which is included in $PATH.

    Download StatStream and the necessary K files from here

  3. Linux User

  4. If you are a Linux user, copy all the files in software folder to a directory which is included in $PATH.

    Download StatStream and the necessary K files from here


Contact and

Last Updated Nov. 29, 2005