
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************/
00002 /*!
00003  * \file rational-native.cpp
00004  *
00005  * \brief Implementation of class Rational using native (bounded
00006  * precision) computer arithmetic
00007  * 
00008  * Author: Sergey Berezin
00009  * 
00010  * Created: Mon Jul 28 12:18:03 2003
00011  *
00012  * <hr>
00013  * Copyright (C) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford
00014  * Junior University and by New York University. 
00015  *
00016  * License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
00017  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
00018  * royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
00019  * LICENSE file provided with this distribution.  In particular:
00020  *
00021  * - The above copyright notice and this permission notice must appear
00022  * in all copies of the software and related documentation.
00023  *
00026  * 
00027  * <hr>
00028  *
00029  */
00030 /*****************************************************************************/
00032 #ifdef RATIONAL_NATIVE
00034 #include "compat_hash_set.h"
00035 #include "rational.h"
00036 // For atol() (ASCII to long)
00037 #include <stdlib.h>
00038 #include <errno.h>
00039 #include <sstream>
00041 #define OVERFLOW_MSG "\nThis is NOT a bug, but an explicit feature to preserve soundness\nwhen CVC Lite uses native computer arithmetic (finite precision).  To\navoid this type of errors, please recompile CVC Lite with GMP library."
00043 namespace CVCL {
00045   using namespace std;
00047   //! Add two integers and check for overflows
00048   static long int plus(long int x, long int y) {
00049     long int res = x+y;
00050     FatalAssert(((x > 0) != (y > 0)) || ((x > 0) == (res > 0)),
00051                 "plus(x,y): arithmetic overflow" OVERFLOW_MSG);
00052     return res;
00053   }
00055   //! Unary minus which checks for overflows
00056   static long int uminus(long int x) {
00057     FatalAssert(x == 0 || x != -x, "uminus(x): arithmetic overflow"
00058                 OVERFLOW_MSG);
00059     return -x;
00060   }
00062   //! Multiply two integers and check for overflows
00063   static long int mult(long int x, long int y) {
00064     long int res = x*y;
00065     FatalAssert(x==0 || res/x == y, "mult(x,y): arithmetic overflow"
00066                 OVERFLOW_MSG);
00067     return res;
00068   }
00070   //! Compute GCD using Euclid's algorithm (from Aaron Stump's code)
00071   static long int gcd(long int n1, long int n2) {
00072     DebugAssert(n1!=0 && n2!=0,
00073                 "gcd("+int2string(n1)+", "+int2string(n2)+"): bad args");
00074   // First, make the arguments positive
00075   if(n1 < 0) n1 = uminus(n1);
00076   if(n2 < 0) n2 = uminus(n2);
00078   if (n1 < n2) {
00079     long int tmp = n1;
00080     n1 = n2;
00081     n2 = tmp;
00082   }
00084   // at this point, n1 >= n2
00085   long int r = n1 % n2;
00086   if (!r)
00087     return n2;
00089   return gcd(n2, r);
00090 }
00092   //! Compute LCM
00093   static long int lcm(long int n1, long int n2) {
00094     long int g = gcd(n1,n2);
00095     return mult(n1/g, n2);
00096   }
00098   // Implementation of the forward-declared internal class
00099   class Rational::Impl {
00100     long int d_num; //!< Numerator
00101     long int d_denom; //!< Denominator
00102     //! Make the rational number canonical
00103     void canonicalize();
00104   public:
00105     //! Default Constructor
00106     Impl(): d_num(0), d_denom(1) { }
00107     //! Copy constructor
00108     Impl(const Impl &x) : d_num(x.d_num), d_denom(x.d_denom) { }
00109     //! Constructor from a pair of integers
00110     Impl(long int n, long int d): d_num(n), d_denom(d) { canonicalize(); }
00111     //! Constructor from a string
00112     Impl(const string &n, int base);
00113     //! Constructor from a pair of strings
00114     Impl(const string &n, const string& d, int base);
00115     // Destructor
00116     virtual ~Impl() { }
00117     //! Get numerator
00118     long int getNum() const { return d_num; }
00119     //! Get denominator
00120     long int getDen() const { return d_denom; }
00122     //! Unary minus
00123     Impl operator-() const;
00125     //! Equality
00126     friend bool operator==(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00127       return (x.d_num == y.d_num && x.d_denom == y.d_denom);
00128     }
00129     //! Dis-equality
00130     friend bool operator!=(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00131       return (x.d_num != y.d_num || x.d_denom != y.d_denom);
00132     }
00133     /*! 
00134      * Compare x=n1/d1 and y=n2/d2 as n1*f2 < n2*f1, where f1=d1/f,
00135      * f2=d2/f, and f=lcm(d1,d2)
00136      */
00137     friend bool operator<(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00138       Impl diff(x-y);
00139       return diff.d_num < 0;
00140     }
00142     friend bool operator<=(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00143       return (x == y || x < y);
00144     }
00146     friend bool operator>(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00147       Impl diff(x-y);
00148       return diff.d_num > 0;
00149     }
00151     friend bool operator>=(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00152       return (x == y || x > y);
00153     }
00155     /*! Addition of x=n1/d1 and y=n2/d2: n1*g2 + n2*g1, where g1=d1/g,
00156      * g2=d2/g, and g=lcm(d1,d2)
00157      */
00158     friend Impl operator+(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00159       long int d1(x.getDen()), d2(y.getDen());
00160       long int f(lcm(d1,d2)), f1(f/d1), f2(f/d2);
00161       long int n = plus(mult(x.getNum(), f1),  mult(y.getNum(), f2));
00162       return Impl(n, f);
00163     }
00165     friend Impl operator-(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00166       TRACE("rational", "operator-(", x, ", "+y.toString()+")");
00167       long int d1(x.getDen()), d2(y.getDen());
00168       long int f(lcm(d1,d2)), f1(f/d1), f2(f/d2);
00169       long int n = plus(mult(x.getNum(), f1),  uminus(mult(y.getNum(), f2)));
00170       Impl res(n, f);
00171       TRACE("rational", "  => ", res, "");
00172       return res;
00173     }
00175     /*! 
00176      * Multiplication of x=n1/d1, y=n2/d2:
00177      * (n1/g1)*(n2/g2)/(d1/g2)*(d2/g1), where g1=gcd(n1,d2) and
00178      * g2=gcd(n2,d1)
00179      */
00180     friend Impl operator*(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00181       long int n1(x.getNum()), d1(x.getDen()), n2(y.getNum()), d2(y.getDen());
00182       long int g1(n1? gcd(n1,d2) : 1), g2(n2? gcd(n2,d1) : 1);
00183       long int n(mult(n1/g1, n2/g2)), d(mult(d1/g2, d2/g1));
00184       return Impl(n,d);
00185     }
00187     /*! 
00188      * Division of x=n1/d1, y=n2/d2:
00189      * (n1/g1)*(d2/g2)/(d1/g2)*(n2/g1), where g1=gcd(n1,n2) and
00190      * g2=gcd(d1,d2)
00191      */
00192     friend Impl operator/(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00193       long int n1(x.getNum()), d1(x.getDen()), n2(y.getNum()), d2(y.getDen());
00194       DebugAssert(n2 != 0, "Impl::operator/: divisor is 0");
00195       long int g1(n1? gcd(n1,n2) : 1), g2(gcd(d1,d2));
00196       long int n(n1? mult(n1/g1, d2/g2) : 0), d(n1? mult(d1/g2, n2/g1) : 1);
00197       return Impl(n,d);
00198     }
00200     friend Impl operator%(const Impl& x, const Impl& y) {
00201       DebugAssert(x.getDen() == 1 && y.getDen() == 1,
00202                   "Impl % Impl: x and y must be integers");
00203       return Impl(x.getNum() % y.getNum(), 1);
00204     }
00206     //! Print to string
00207     string toString(int base = 10) const {
00208       ostringstream ss;
00209       DebugAssert(base == 10, "Rational::Impl::toString(): Sorry, base "
00210                   +int2string(base)+
00211                   " is not implemented for native machine arithmetic");
00212       ss << d_num;
00213       if(d_denom != 1)
00214         ss << "/" << d_denom;
00215       return(ss.str());
00216     }
00218     //! Printing to ostream
00219     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Rational::Impl& n) {
00220       return os << n.toString();
00221     }
00223   };
00225   // Make the rational number canonical
00226   void Rational::Impl::canonicalize() {
00227     DebugAssert(d_denom != 0,
00228                 "Rational::Impl::canonicalize: bad denominator: "
00229                 +int2string(d_denom));
00230     if(d_num == 0) {
00231       d_denom = 1;
00232     } else {
00233       if(d_denom < 0) {
00234         d_num = uminus(d_num);
00235         d_denom = uminus(d_denom);
00236       }
00237       long int d = gcd(d_num, d_denom);
00238       if(d != 1) {
00239         d_num /= d;
00240         d_denom /= d;
00241       }
00242     }
00243   }
00245   // Constructor from a string
00246   Rational::Impl::Impl(const string &n, int base) {
00247     size_t i, iend;
00248     for(i=0,iend=n.size(); i<iend && n[i] != '/'; ++i);
00249     if(i<iend)
00250       // Found slash at i
00251       *this = Impl(n.substr(0,i-1), n.substr(i+1,iend-1), base);
00252     else
00253       *this = Impl(n, "1", base);
00254     canonicalize();
00255   }
00256   // Constructor from a pair of strings
00257   Rational::Impl::Impl(const string &n, const string& d, int base) {
00258     d_num = strtol(n.c_str(), NULL, base);
00259     FatalAssert(d_num != LONG_MIN &&  d_num != LONG_MAX,
00260                 "Rational::Impl(string, string): arithmetic overflow:"
00261                 "n = "+n+", d="+d+", base="+int2string(base)
00262                 +OVERFLOW_MSG);
00263     d_denom = strtol(d.c_str(), NULL, base);
00264     FatalAssert(d_denom != LONG_MIN &&  d_denom != LONG_MAX,
00265                 "Rational::Impl(string, string): arithmetic overflow:"
00266                 "n = "+n+", d="+d+", base="+int2string(base)
00267                 +OVERFLOW_MSG);
00268     canonicalize();
00269   }
00271   Rational::Impl Rational::Impl::operator-() const {
00272     return Impl(uminus(d_num), d_denom);
00273   }
00276   //! Default constructor
00277   Rational::Rational() : d_n(new Impl) {
00278 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00279     int &num_created = getCreated();
00280     num_created++;
00281     printStats();
00282 #endif
00283   }
00284   //! Copy constructor
00285   Rational::Rational(const Rational &n) : d_n(new Impl(*n.d_n)) {
00286 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00287     int &num_created = getCreated();
00288     num_created++;
00289     printStats();
00290 #endif
00291   }
00293   //! Private constructor
00294   Rational::Rational(const Impl& t): d_n(new Impl(t)) {
00295 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00296     int &num_created = getCreated();
00297     num_created++;
00298     printStats();
00299 #endif
00300   }
00301   Rational::Rational(int n, int d): d_n(new Impl(n, d)) {
00302 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00303     int &num_created = getCreated();
00304     num_created++;
00305     printStats();
00306 #endif
00307   }
00308   // Constructors from strings
00309   Rational::Rational(const char* n, int base)
00310     : d_n(new Impl(string(n), base)) {
00311 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00312     int &num_created = getCreated();
00313     num_created++;
00314     printStats();
00315 #endif
00316   }
00317   Rational::Rational(const string& n, int base)
00318     : d_n(new Impl(n, base)) {
00319 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00320     int &num_created = getCreated();
00321     num_created++;
00322     printStats();
00323 #endif
00324   }
00325   Rational::Rational(const char* n, const char* d, int base)
00326     : d_n(new Impl(string(n), string(d), base)) {
00327 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00328     int &num_created = getCreated();
00329     num_created++;
00330     printStats();
00331 #endif
00332   }
00333   Rational::Rational(const string& n, const string& d, int base)
00334     : d_n(new Impl(n, d, base)) {
00335 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00336     int &num_created = getCreated();
00337     num_created++;
00338     printStats();
00339 #endif
00340   }
00341   // Destructor
00342   Rational::~Rational() {
00343     delete d_n;
00344 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00345     int &num_deleted = getDeleted();
00346     num_deleted++;
00347     printStats();
00348 #endif
00349   }
00351   // Get components
00352   Rational Rational::getNumerator() const
00353     { return Rational(Impl(d_n->getNum(), 1)); }
00354   Rational Rational::getDenominator() const
00355     { return Rational(Impl(d_n->getDen(), 1)); }
00357   bool Rational::isInteger() const { return 1 == d_n->getDen(); }
00359   // Assignment
00360   Rational& Rational::operator=(const Rational& n) {
00361     if(this == &n) return *this;
00362     delete d_n;
00363     d_n = new Impl(*n.d_n);
00364     return *this;
00365   }
00367   ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Rational &n) {
00368     return(os << n.toString());
00369   }
00372   // Check that argument is an int and print an error message otherwise
00374   static void checkInt(const Rational& n, const string& funName) {
00375     DebugAssert(n.isInteger(),
00376                 ("CVCL::Rational::" + funName
00377                  + ": argument is not an integer: " + n.toString()).c_str());
00378   }
00380     /* Computes gcd and lcm on *integer* values. Result is always a
00381        positive integer.  In this implementation, it is guaranteed by
00382        GMP. */
00384   Rational gcd(const Rational &x, const Rational &y) {
00385     checkInt(x, "gcd(*x*,y)");
00386     checkInt(y, "gcd(x,*y*)");
00387     return Rational(Rational::Impl(gcd(x.d_n->getNum(), y.d_n->getNum()), 1));
00388   }
00390   Rational gcd(const vector<Rational> &v) {
00391     long int g(1);
00392     if(v.size() > 0) {
00393       checkInt(v[0], "gcd(vector<Rational>[0])");
00394       g = v[0].d_n->getNum();
00395     }
00396     for(size_t i=1; i<v.size(); i++) {
00397       checkInt(v[i], "gcd(vector<Rational>)");
00398       if(g == 0) g = v[i].d_n->getNum();
00399       else if(v[i].d_n->getNum() != 0)
00400         g = gcd(g, v[i].d_n->getNum());
00401     }
00402     return Rational(Rational::Impl(g,1));
00403   }
00405   Rational lcm(const Rational &x, const Rational &y) {
00406     long int g;
00407     checkInt(x, "lcm(*x*,y)");
00408     checkInt(y, "lcm(x,*y*)");
00409     g = lcm(x.d_n->getNum(), y.d_n->getNum());
00410     return Rational(Rational::Impl(g, 1));
00411   }
00413   Rational lcm(const vector<Rational> &v) {
00414     long int g(1);
00415     for(size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
00416       checkInt(v[i], "lcm(vector<Rational>)");
00417       if(v[i].d_n->getNum() != 0)
00418         g = lcm(g, v[i].d_n->getNum());
00419     }
00420     return Rational(Rational::Impl(g,1));
00421   }
00423   Rational abs(const Rational &x) {
00424     long int n(x.d_n->getNum());
00425     if(n>=0) return x;
00426     return Rational(Rational::Impl(-n, x.d_n->getDen()));
00427   }
00429   Rational floor(const Rational &x) {
00430     if(x.d_n->getDen() == 1) return x;
00431     long int n = x.d_n->getNum();
00432     long int nAbs = (n<0)? uminus(n) : n;
00433     long int q = nAbs / x.d_n->getDen();
00434     if(n < 0) q = plus(uminus(q), -1);
00435     return Rational(Rational::Impl(q,1));
00436   }
00438   Rational ceil(const Rational &x) {
00439     if(x.d_n->getDen() == 1) return x;
00440     long int n = x.d_n->getNum();
00441     long int nAbs = (n<0)? -n : n;
00442     long int q = nAbs / x.d_n->getDen();
00443     if(n > 0) q = plus(q, 1);
00444     else q = uminus(q);
00445     return Rational(Rational::Impl(q,1));
00446   }
00448   Rational mod(const Rational &x, const Rational &y) {
00449     checkInt(x, "mod(*x*,y)");
00450     checkInt(y, "mod(x,*y*)");
00451     long int r = x.d_n->getNum() % x.d_n->getDen();
00452     return(Rational(Rational::Impl(r,1)));
00453   }
00455   string Rational::toString(int base) const {
00456     return(d_n->toString(base));
00457   }
00459   size_t Rational::hash() const {
00460     std::hash<const char *> h;
00461     return h(toString().c_str());
00462   }
00464   void Rational::print() const {
00465     cout << (*this) << endl;
00466   }
00468   // Unary minus
00469   Rational Rational::operator-() const {
00470     return Rational(Rational::Impl(-(d_n->getNum()), d_n->getDen()));
00471   }
00473   Rational &Rational::operator+=(const Rational &n2) {
00474     *this = (*this) + n2;
00475     return *this;
00476   }
00478   Rational &Rational::operator-=(const Rational &n2) {
00479     *this = (*this) - n2;
00480     return *this;
00481   }
00483   Rational &Rational::operator*=(const Rational &n2) {
00484     *this = (*this) * n2;
00485     return *this;
00486   }
00488   Rational &Rational::operator/=(const Rational &n2) {
00489     *this = (*this) / n2;
00490     return *this;
00491   }
00493   int Rational::getInt() const {
00494     checkInt(*this, "getInt()");
00495     long int res = d_n->getNum();
00496     FatalAssert(res >= INT_MIN && res <= INT_MAX,
00497                 "Rational::getInt(): overflow on "+toString());
00498     return (int)res;
00499   }
00501   unsigned int Rational::getUnsigned() const {
00502     checkInt(*this, "getUnsigned()");
00503     long int res = d_n->getNum();
00504     FatalAssert(res >= 0 && res <= (long int)UINT_MAX,
00505                 "Rational::getUnsigned(): overflow on "+toString());
00506     return (unsigned int)res;
00507   }
00509 #ifdef _DEBUG_RATIONAL_
00510   void Rational::printStats() {
00511       int &num_created = getCreated();
00512       int &num_deleted = getDeleted();
00513       if(num_created % 1000 == 0 || num_deleted % 1000 == 0) {
00514         std::cerr << "Rational(" << *d_n << "): created " << num_created
00515                   << ", deleted " << num_deleted
00516                   << ", currently alive " << num_created-num_deleted
00517                   << std::endl;
00518       }
00519     }
00520 #endif
00522     bool operator==(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00523       return(*n1.d_n == *n2.d_n);
00524     }
00526     bool operator<(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00527       return(*n1.d_n < *n2.d_n);
00528     }
00530     bool operator<=(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00531       return(*n1.d_n <= *n2.d_n);
00532     }
00534     bool operator>(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00535       return(*n1.d_n > *n2.d_n);
00536     }
00538     bool operator>=(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00539       return(*n1.d_n >= *n2.d_n);
00540     }
00542     bool operator!=(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00543       return(*n1.d_n != *n2.d_n);
00544     }
00546     Rational operator+(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00547       return Rational(Rational::Impl(*n1.d_n + *n2.d_n));
00548     }
00550     Rational operator-(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00551       return Rational(Rational::Impl((*n1.d_n) - (*n2.d_n)));
00552     }
00554     Rational operator*(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00555       return Rational(Rational::Impl((*n1.d_n) * (*n2.d_n)));
00556     }
00558     Rational operator/(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00559       return Rational(Rational::Impl(*n1.d_n / *n2.d_n));
00560     }
00562     Rational operator%(const Rational &n1, const Rational &n2) {
00563       return Rational(Rational::Impl(*n1.d_n + *n2.d_n));
00564     }
00566 }; /* close namespace */
00568 #endif

Generated on Thu Apr 13 16:57:32 2006 for CVC Lite by  doxygen 1.4.4