
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef LFSC_PROOF_H_
00002 #define LFSC_PROOF_H_
00004 #include "LFSCObject.h"
00006 //////////////////////////////////
00007 /// LFSC Proof Class & subclasses
00008 //////////////////////////////////
00010 class LFSCProofExpr;
00011 class LFSCLraAdd;
00012 class LFSCLraSub;
00013 class LFSCLraMulC;
00014 class LFSCLraAxiom;
00015 class LFSCLraContra;
00016 class LFSCLraPoly;
00017 class LFSCBoolRes;
00018 class LFSCLem;
00019 class LFSCClausify;
00020 class LFSCAssume;
00021 class LFSCProofGeneric;
00022 class LFSCPfVar;
00023 class LFSCPfLambda;
00024 class LFSCPfLet;
00026 class LFSCProof : public LFSCObj{
00027 protected:
00028   static int pf_counter;
00029   static std::map< LFSCProof*, int > lambdaMap;
00030   static std::map< LFSCProof*, LFSCProof* > lambdaPrintMap;
00031   int printCounter;
00032   LFSCProof* rplProof;
00033   static int lambdaCounter;
00034   long int strLen;
00035   int chOp;
00036   int assumeVar;
00037   int assumeVarUsed;
00039   std::vector< int > br;
00040   bool brComputed;
00042   LFSCProof();
00043   virtual long int get_length() { return 0; }
00044   virtual ~LFSCProof(){}
00045 public:
00046   virtual LFSCProofExpr* AsLFSCProofExpr(){ return NULL; }
00047   virtual LFSCLraAdd* AsLFSCLraAdd(){ return NULL; }
00048   virtual LFSCLraSub* AsLFSCLraSub(){ return NULL; }
00049   virtual LFSCLraMulC* AsLFSCLraMulC(){ return NULL; }
00050   virtual LFSCLraAxiom* AsLFSCLraAxiom(){ return NULL; }
00051   virtual LFSCLraContra* AsLFSCLraContra(){ return NULL; }
00052   virtual LFSCLraPoly* AsLFSCLraPoly(){ return NULL; }
00053   virtual LFSCBoolRes* AsLFSCBoolRes(){ return NULL; }
00054   virtual LFSCLem* AsLFSCLem(){ return NULL; }
00055   virtual LFSCClausify* AsLFSCClausify(){ return NULL; }
00056   virtual LFSCAssume* AsLFSCAssume(){ return NULL; }
00057   virtual LFSCProofGeneric* AsLFSCProofGeneric(){ return NULL; }
00058   virtual LFSCPfVar* AsLFSCPfVar(){ return NULL; }
00059   virtual LFSCPfLambda* AsLFSCPfLambda(){ return NULL; }
00060   virtual LFSCPfLet* AsLFSCPfLet(){ return NULL; }
00062   virtual bool isLraMulC() { return false; }
00063   static int make_lambda( LFSCProof* p ){
00064     if( lambdaMap[p]==0 ){
00065       lambdaMap[p] = lambdaCounter;
00066       lambdaCounter++;
00067     }
00068     return lambdaMap[p];
00069   }
00070   void print( std::ostream& s, int ind = 0 );
00071   virtual void print_pf( std::ostream& s, int ind = 0 )=0;
00072   virtual bool isTrivial() { return false; }
00073   long int get_string_length() {
00074     if( strLen<0 ){
00075       strLen = get_length();
00076       //to prevent overflow
00077       for( int a=0; a<getNumChildren(); a++ ){
00078         if( strLen<getChild( a )->get_string_length() ){
00079           strLen = getChild( a )->get_string_length();
00080         }
00081       }
00082     }
00083     return strLen;
00084   }
00085   void print_structure( std::ostream& s, int ind = 0 );
00086   virtual void print_struct( std::ostream& s, int ind = 0 ){
00087     static int psCounter = 0;
00088     s << "P" << psCounter;
00089     psCounter++;
00090   }
00091   void setRplProof( LFSCProof* p ) { rplProof = p; }
00092   virtual void fillHoles();
00093 #ifdef OPTIMIZE
00094   void calcL( std::vector< int >& lget, std::vector< int >& lgetu );
00095 #endif
00097   friend class LFSCPrinter;
00099   virtual LFSCProof* clone() = 0;
00100   virtual int getNumChildren() { return 0; }
00101   virtual LFSCProof* getChild( int n ) { return NULL; }
00102   virtual int checkOp();
00103   int getChOp(){ return chOp; }
00104   void setChOp( int c ) { chOp = c; }
00105   virtual int checkBoolRes( std::vector< int >& clause ){ return 0; }
00107 //proof making methods
00108 public:
00109   static LFSCProof* Make_CNF( const Expr& form, const Expr& reason, int pos );
00110   static LFSCProof* Make_not_not_elim( const Expr& pf, LFSCProof* p );
00111   static LFSCProof* Make_mimic( const Expr& pf, LFSCProof* p, int numHoles );
00112   static LFSCProof* Make_and_elim( const Expr& form, LFSCProof* p, int n, const Expr& expected );
00114   static int get_proof_counter() { return pf_counter; }
00115 };
00118 #endif