Class 5 (Make-up; video-recorded) CS 202 13 February 2015 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Condition variables 3. Semaphores 4. Monitors 5. Standards and advice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time --threads: why do we have them? --oftentimes a natural way to structure a computing task (in principle, it's not really *necessary* to have threads, as we will see later in the semester, but it can make the program easier to maintain and understand) --once we have threads, we have to worry about *concurrent access to shared memory*: multiple execution contexts modifying the same memory at the same time --because there are multiple CPUs (with threads running on those CPUs) --or because the instructions from different threads can be interleaved on one CPU, owing to scheduling --this state of affairs has to be controlled: *synchronization* --classic synchronization primitive: the mutex. --> we have told you about the *interface* to mutexes (how they are used). we haven't said much about their *implementation*; we will cover that next week. --you may at this point have an intuition for mutexes (they guarantee mutual exclusion, which sounds good), but what are they really accomplishing? --*atomicity* is required if you want to reason about code without contorting your brain to reason about all possible interleavings --atomicity requires mutual exclusion aka a solution to critical sections --mutexes provide that solution --once you have mutexes, don't have to worry about arbitrary interleavings. critical sections are interleaved, but those are much easier to reason about than individual operations. --why? because of _invariants_. examples of invariants: "list structure has integrity" "'count' reflects the number of entries in the buffer" the meaning of lock.acquire() is that if and only if you get past that line, it's safe to violate the invariants. the meaning of lock.release() is that right _before_ that line, any invariants need to be restored. the above is abstract. let's make it concrete: invariant: "list structure has integrity" so protect the list with a mutex only after acquire() is it safe to manipulate the list --why aren't we worried about *processes* trashing each other's memory? (because the OS, with the help of the hardware, arranges for two different processes to have isolated memory space. such isolation is one of the uses of virtual memory, which we will study in a few weeks.) 2. Condition variables A. Motivation --producer/consumer queue --very common paradigm. also called "bounded buffer": --producer puts things into a shared buffer --consumer takes them out --producer must wait if buffer is full; consumer must wait if buffer is empty --shows up everywhere --Soda machine: producer is delivery person, consumer is soda drinkers, shared buffer is the machine --OS implementation of pipe() --DMA buffers --producer/consumer queue using mutexes (see handout03, 2a) --what's the problem with that? --answer: a form of *busy waiting* --It is convenient to break synchronization into two types: --*mutual exclusion*: allow only one thread to access a given set of shared state at a time --*scheduling constraints*: wait for some other thread to do something (finish a job, produce work, consume work, accept a connection, get bytes off the disk, etc.) B. Usage --API --void cond_init (Cond *, ...); --Initialize --void cond_wait(Cond *c, Mutex* m); --Atomically unlock m and sleep until c signaled --Then re-acquire m and resume executing --void cond_signal(Cond* c); --Wake one thread waiting on c [in some pthreads implementations, the analogous call wakes *at least* one thread waiting on c. Check the the documentation (or source code) to be sure of the semantics. But, actually, your implementation shouldn't change since you need to be prepared to be "woken" at any time, not just when another thread calls signal(). More on this below.] --void cond_broadcast(Cond* c); --Wake all threads waiting on c C. Important points (1) We MUST use "while", not "if". Why? --Because we can get an interleaving like this: --The signal() puts the waiting thread on the ready list but doesn't run it --That now-ready thread is ready to acquire() the mutex (inside cond_wait()). --But a *different* thread (a third thread: not the signaler, not the now-ready thread) could acquire() the mutex, work in the critical section, and now invalidates whatever condition was being checked --Our now-ready thread eventually acquire()s the mutex... --...with no guarantees that the condition it was waiting for is still true --Solution is to use "while" when waiting on a condition variable --DO NOT VIOLATE THIS RULE; doing so will (almost always) lead to incorrect code --NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: There are two ways to understand while-versus-if: (a) It's the 'while' condition that actually guards the program. (b) There's simply no guarantee when the thread proceeds that the condition hods. (2) cond_wait releases the mutexes and goes into the waiting state in one function call (see panel 2b of handout 3). --QUESTION: Why? --Answer: can get stuck waiting. Producer: while (count == BUFFER_SIZE) Producer: release() Consumer: acquire() Consumer: ..... Consumer: cond_signal(&nonfull) Producer: cond_wait(&nonfull) --Producer will never hear the signal! 3. Semaphores --Advice: don't use these. We're mentioning them only for completeness and for historical reasons: they were the first general-purpose synchronization primitive, and they were the first synchronization primitive that Unix supported. --Introduced by Edsger Dijkstra in late 1960s --Semaphore is initialized with an integer, N --Two functions: --Down() and Up() [also known as P() and V()] --The guarantee is that Down() will return only N more times than Up() is called --Basically a counter that, when it reaches 0, causes a thread to sleep() --Another way to say the same thing: --Semaphore holds a count --Down() is an atomic operation that waits for the count to become positive; it then decrements the count by 1 --Up() is an atomic operation that increments the count by 1 and then wakes up a thread waiting on Down(), if any --Reasons we recommend against their use: --semaphores are dual-purpose (for mutual exclusion and scheduling constraints), so hard to read code and hard to get code right --semaphores have hidden internal state --getting a program right requires careful interleaving of "synchronization" and "mutex" semaphores --(In this class, we require you to use condition variables and mutexes; semaphores will be considered incorrect.) 4. Monitors Monitors = mutex + condition variables --High-level idea: an object (as in object-oriented systems) --in which methods do not execute concurrently; and --that has one or more condition variables --More detail --Every method call starts with acquire(&mutex), and ends with release(&mutex) --Technically, these acquire()/release() are invisible to the programmer because it is the programming language (i.e., the compiler+run-time) that is implementing the monitor --So, technically, a monitor is a programming language concept --But technical definition isn't hugely useful because no programming languages in widespread usage have true monitors --Java has something close: a class in which every method is set by the programmer to be "synchronized" (i.e., implicitly protected by a mutex) --Not exactly a monitor because there's nothing forcing every method to be synchronized --And we can *use* mutexes and condition variables to implement our own manual versions of monitors, though we have to be careful --Given the above, we are going to use the term "monitor" more loosely to refer to both the technical definition and also a "manually constructed" monitor, wherein: --all method calls are protected by a mutex (that is, the programmer inserts those acquire()/release() on entry and exit from every procedure *inside* the object) --synchronization happens with condition variables whose associated mutex is the mutex that protects the method calls --In other words, we will use the term "monitor" to refer to the programming conventions that you should follow when building multithreaded applications --you must follow these conventions on lab 3 --Example: see handout, item 1 --RULE: --acquire/release at beginning/end of methods --RULE: --hold lock when doing condition variable operations --Some people [for example, Andrew Birrell in this paper: ] will say: "for experts only, no need to hold the lock when signaling". IGNORE THIS. Putting the signal outside the lock is only a small performance optimization, and it is likely to lead you to write incorrect code. --to get credit in Lab 3, you must hold the associated mutex when doing a condition variable operation --Different styles of monitors: --Hoare-style: signal() immediately wakes the waiter --Hansen-style and what we will use: signal() eventually wakes the waiter. Not an immediate transfer --Can we replace SIGNAL with BROADCAST, given our monitor semantics? (Answer: yes, always.) Why? --while() condition tests the needed invariant. program doesn't progress pass while() unless the needed invariant is true. --result: spurious wake-ups are acceptable.... --...which implies you can always wakeup a thread at any moment with no loss of correctness.... --....which implies you can replace SIGNAL with BROADCAST [though it may hurt performance to have a bunch of needlessly awake threads contending for a mutex that they will then acquire() and release().] --RULE: --a thread that is in wait() must be prepared to be restarted at any time, not just when another thread calls "signal()". --why? because the implementor of the threads and condition variables package *assumes* that the user of the threads package is doing while(){wait()}. --Can we replace BROADCAST with SIGNAL? --Answer: not always. --Example: --memory allocator --threads allocate and free memory in variable-sized chunks --if no memory free, wait on a condition variable --now posit: --two threads waiting to allocate chunks of memory --no memory free at all --then, a third thread frees 10,000 bytes --SIGNAL alone does the wrong thing: we need to awaken both threads 5. Standards [and advice] for concurrent programming A. Standards --see Mike D's "Programming With Threads", linked from lab 3 --You are required to follow this document --You will lose points (potentially many!) on the lab and on the exam if you stray from these standards --Note that in his example in section 4, there needs to be another line: --right before mutex->release(), he should have: assert(invariants hold) --the primitives may seem strange, and the rules may seem arbitrary: why one thing and not another? --there is no absolute answer here --**However**, history has tested the approach that we're using. If you use the recommended primitives and follow their suggested use, you will find it easier to write correct code --For now, just take the recommended approaches as a given, and use them for a while. If you can come up with something better after that, by all means do so! --But please remember three things: a. lots of really smart people have thought really hard about the right abstractions, so a day or two of thinking about a new one or a new use is unlikely to yield an advance over the best practices. b. the consequences of getting code wrong can be atrocious. see for example: c. people who tend to be confident about their abilities tend to perform *worse*, so if you are confident you are a Threading and Concurrency Ninja and/or you think you truly understand how these things work, then you may wish to reevaluate..... --Dunning-Kruger effect -- --Mike Dahlin stands on the desk when proclaiming the standards B. Top-level piece of advice: SAFETY FIRST. --Locking at coarse grain is easiest to get right, so do that (one big lock for each big object or collection of them) --Don't worry about performance at first --In fact, don't even worry about liveness at first --In other words don't view deadlock as a disaster --Key invariant: make sure your program never does the wrong thing C. More detailed advice: design approach [We will use item #1 on today's handout as a case study.....] --Here's a four-step design approach: 1. Getting started: 1a. Identify units of concurrency. Make each a thread with a go() method or main loop. Write down the actions a thread takes at a high level. 1b. Identify shared chunks of state. Make each shared *thing* an object. Identify the methods on those objects, which should be the high-level actions made *by* threads *on* these objects. Plan to have these objects be monitors. 1c. Write down the high-level main loop of each thread. Advice: stay high level here. Don't worry about synchronization yet. Let the objects do the work for you. Separate threads from objects. The code associated with a thread should not access shared state directly (and so there should be no access to locks/condition variables in the "main" procedure for the thread). Shared state and synchronization should be encapsulated in shared objects. --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --separate loops for producer(), consumer(), and synchronization happens inside MyBuffer. Now, for each object: 2. Write down the synchronization constraints on the solution. Identify the type of each constraint: mutual exclusion or scheduling. For scheduling constraints, ask, "when does a thread wait"? --NOTE: usually, the mutual exclusion constraint is satisfied by the fact that we're programming with monitors. --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --Only one thread can manipulate the buffer at a time (mutual exclusion constraint) --Producer must wait for consumer to empty slots if all full (scheduling constraint) --Consumer must wait for producer to fill slots if all empty (scheduling constraint) 3. Create a lock or condition variable corresponding to each constraint --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --Answer: need a lock and two condition variables. (lock was sort of a given from the fact of a monitor). 4. Write the methods, using locks and condition variables for coordination D. More advice 1. Don't manipulate synchronization variables or shared state variables in the code associated with a thread; do it with the code associated with a shared object. --Threads tend to have "main" loops. These loops tend to access shared objects. *However*, the "thread" piece of it should not include locks or condition variables. Instead, locks and CVs should be encapsulated in the shared objects. --Why? (a) Locks are for synchronizing across multiple threads. Doesn't make sense for one thread to "own" a lock. (b) Encapsulation -- details of synchronization are internal details of a shared object. Caller should not know about these details. "Let the shared objects do the work." --Common confusion: trying to acquire and release locks inside the threads' code (i.e., not following this advice). Bad idea! Synchronization should happen within the shared objects. Mantra: "let the shared objects do the work". --Note: our first example of condition variables -- handout03, item 2b -- doesn't actually follow the advice, but that is in part so you can see all of the parts working together. 2. Different way to state what's above: --You want to decompose your problem into objects, as in object-oriented style of programming. --Thus: (1) Shared object encapsulates code, synchronization variables, and state variables (2) Shared objects are separate from threads [thanks to David Mazieres and Mike Dahlin for content in portions of this lecture.]